- こうしたはなはだしい食い違いに気づく
observe these glaring discrepancies 意味
- "observe the terms of the truce" 意味
- "observe the traffic regulations" 意味
- "observe the trend of public opinion" 意味
- "observe the world below" 意味
- "observe the “fasten seat belt" sign until we have come to a complete stop" 意味
- "observe things accurately" 意味
- "observe through a microscope" 意味
- "observe through the peephole" 意味
- "observe tradition" 意味
- "observe the world below" 意味
- "observe the “fasten seat belt" sign until we have come to a complete stop" 意味
- "observe things accurately" 意味
- "observe through a microscope" 意味